Monday, January 30, 2006


I really want to see sigur ros play on the 13th, at the promo west, it could be awsome.

Isnt this weather great, I really enjoy it, i feel sad that i dont enjoy it more. I need to go flying. ohh it is something else when i get to go, because of the stuggle it took to get my licence.

Let me give you a quick story for those of you who dont know.
When i was about 3-5 yrs old i wanted to fly, I consistantly asked for wings from the store. I remember spending hours not moving but in my mind soaring over the landscape.

I continued to dream until I got to columbus, i dont even remember thinking about flying the whole year i was interning, then after a somewhat tough conversation, the thought was back in my mind, could i do it. Well I borrowed the money for what i thought was going to take 6-9 months and 5 grand.
2 years and 21 days after my first lesson, and 8 grand i had my licence. Well there is more but maybe you know already. so i hope i go today, i will take a picture if i do.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Books I am reading

Well since those of you who read my blog have shown me you are, (thanks Jed for the comment I returned the favor) I wanted to get any thoughts on these books I am reading...
Finding Common Ground by Tim Downs, I finished it about a week ago, very good, insight I have been thinking about and it is always nice to have a smarter person put thoughts like yours into understandable...Language?...
A Generous Orthodoxy: Why I Am a Missional, Evangelical, Post/Protestant, Liberal/Conservative, Mystical/Poetic, Biblical, Charismatic/Contemplative, Fundamentalist/Calvinist, Anabaptist/Anglican, Methodist, Catholic, Green, Incarnational, Depressed-yet-Hopeful, Emergent, Unfinished CHRISTIAN -- by Brian D. McLaren
I haven't finished yet but have enjoyed his thoughts on different ways of interpreting scripture, worshiping God, viewing God, as long as taken with a grain of salt..Or is it sand?

to be continued...directly under this one

Monday, January 16, 2006

continued from above^

Breaking the de Vinci Code, by Darrel L Bock I am reading because of a suggestion that I should at least have some answers to Dan Browns book better than,"its fake"
Red Moon Rising: How 24-7 Prayer is Awakening a Generation -- by Peter Greig, Dave Roberts also recommended by a friend, so far its been great, I love a story when we get to see the process God puts people through.
The challenge of Jesus, NT Wright, a very literal bible reader but reads with his eyes in the bible and in history, a contextual reader...I am sure that's not a word. I like it though(the book and the word), does anyone see anything wrong with the way he interprets scripture?
The NASB translation of the bible, i love it cause its my new bible... and Gods word

Thursday, January 12, 2006

My new bible

I just got back from a couple day retreat in mich seeing a lot of old friends, on the way back I stopped in Ann arbor to visit some a family that lived in my house when I was like 11 or 12. They moved up to Ann arbor to start a church since that is where they are from. They had there first boy when they lived with us now he is the age I was when I met them. Anyway Andrew loves books and we talked all night about interpreting the scripture and about good books, then we painted each others toenails...
well anyway as a wedding gift he gave jenny and I these awesome bibles, they are hand bound and stitched in a leather cover that only gets softer with age, and is guaranteed for life you can literally shake the bible by the pages and they will not rip out, anyway they are extremely nice bible and more expensive than I could ever afford. thanks drew

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

its been a long time

I am sure most of you have given up on me updating this blog.

well i am not.

have you heard of myspace? like my whole town i grew up in is on myspace, its crazy. i dont even know how to use it.

Well chrsitmas was really good. Jen, Ali and I all went to atlanta for 5 day and ate great food and good wine. her parents spoiled us and jen spoiled me with good gifts. in fact the greatest gift, a gift that says this is the meaing of, 30g video. I love it i have eternal sunshine and black hawkdown and this season of lost and music and all my wedding pictures, I love it. and still a lot of space left. its so pretty.

Anyway i have till the 20th off of work school, just ipod. i am spoiled.

Big news though, i might move to honduras for a while in june! i am excited.

enough for now...