Wednesday, January 04, 2006

its been a long time

I am sure most of you have given up on me updating this blog.

well i am not.

have you heard of myspace? like my whole town i grew up in is on myspace, its crazy. i dont even know how to use it.

Well chrsitmas was really good. Jen, Ali and I all went to atlanta for 5 day and ate great food and good wine. her parents spoiled us and jen spoiled me with good gifts. in fact the greatest gift, a gift that says this is the meaing of, 30g video. I love it i have eternal sunshine and black hawkdown and this season of lost and music and all my wedding pictures, I love it. and still a lot of space left. its so pretty.

Anyway i have till the 20th off of work school, just ipod. i am spoiled.

Big news though, i might move to honduras for a while in june! i am excited.

enough for now...

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