Monday, March 14, 2005

The era of the honda is coming to an end

2 more days and I will be stepping into my mystery transportation. I am buying a car from my uncle. I know its a 92' jeep...and it runs "fine". I hope fine means runs well enough to get jen and i from NM to OH.

I have been overwelmed this weekend by my relationship with Jen. I just think how? How did I get so lucky to meet and fall in love with jen, and the kicker is she fell in love with me too. I am crazy about her. I can't help it.
And I could go on with all the cool other things about her but I will just say this...Our lives as humans are stained with our past and future. we make mistakes that to honestly display them makes us cringe. with all that God seems to look upon us and Give us mountains, poetry, art, beaches, the warmth of the sun, the renewing of the snow, the freshness of rain. He has given us life that is worth living, because he doesnt see our past and future as we see it, which i cant explain how he sees it i just know he sees us as princes and princesses in his amazing kingdom.

now back to jen and me, she sees me as a prince and i see her as a princess. that is truly God physical display of his love for us.

I am afriad to reread this, it probably makes to sense at all.

bytheway use my Google search, I have already earned $1.75 this month

1 comment:

molly said...

i just read your comment on my blog from a while back. yeah, if we did hang out more, your name would probably be the name of our next kid. maybe we would name him rocky cisco. after you. and your dog.