Friday, March 04, 2005

Tired of this

Well I did it again. I started a new blog, I lost the address to my others so we will see how this goes.

Wow last night was an eye opener. I know that people can have a lot of crap go on in their life but last night I got a personal contact with it. The Pub. My friends going through relationship complications, that I don't cant understand, I don't think they understand. I seems to me that they are stuck in a relationship rut and just wont get out.

yeah I need reminders of that...If I didn't I would forget that life exist out side of my little world of engagement,school, money and friends.


m@77#&w 13. said...

cisco, when you get married are you just gonna let yourself go? i mean, just let it slip away man...get a gut, let your hair get long, grow a mustache, keep animals in your clothes and always wear the same flannel...that'd be sweet

jed dearing said...

he'll wear one of his really crappy wife beaters with holes in it underneath the flannel which will always be unbuttoned...

Cisco said...

No way man, letting myself go is out of the question, I will just work on gaining some wieght for educational purposes. you know, research.